Traci & Doug
I did a boudoir shoot 10 years ago and loved the pictures. Over the years, my weight fluctuated and I kept putting off doing another boudoir shoot until my weight came down to where it was reasonable. In March 2022, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Basically, my thyroid doesn't recognize that it's part of my body and is attacking itself. The symptoms for me have been months of joint pain, muscle pain, bone pain, brain fog, fatigue, hair loss, and weight gain. Since I've found out, I've had to eliminate gluten, dairy, soy, sweets, liquor, corn, caffeine, night shades, starchy vegetables, and preservatives from my diet...and that's just to feel "less shitty" than I felt before. I decided it was time to accept my body as is and just do the photo shoot.